Model parts for the “ARCH MAQUETTE” workshop room

  • Customer:

    ”ARCH MAQUETTE” modeling workshop room

  • Model:

    model parts

  • Weight:

    218 parts, weighing 0.05 g to 72.53 g

Customer’s problem

The client needed to print more than 200 plastic products to create miniature parks, exhibition models, and to be sold for private collections. The parts required had different dimensions, geometric complexity, and weight (0.05 g to 72 g). The finished products had to withstand exposure to UV radiation and moisture.

Resolution of the problem

The customer asked Infomir 3D Printing for help and provided their 3D model for printing. The parts were produced on a HP Jet Fusion 5210 industrial printing line. This technology allows printing with high resolution (up to 1200 DPI) and can create parts of any geometric complexity without the use of supporting structures.


The products were printed, sandblasted, and shipped to the client within 14 days. The customer received the layouts exactly on time and all finished parts met the required technical specifications.

Order 3D printing

  • 1. Upload your 3D model
  • 2. Specify the quantity and color
  • 3. Pay the order
  • 4. We print the product
  • 5. The order is shipped directly to you